Join us and celebrate tapirs during your visit to the Zoo! Discover an educational booth about Tapirs, a 10 a.m. Tapir Enrichment demo, and at 1:30 p.m. a special Tapir Keeper Talk with a chance to meet Mochi (weather permitting). Advance admission required. Purchase your timed etickets online now.
Events for Sunday, February 16, 2025 - Sunday, February 16, 2025
World Tapir Day Celebration
Annual Zoo Plant Sale (May 16, 17 & 18)
Join us at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo for our annual plant sale: Thursday - Saturday, May 16, 17 & 18, while supplies last. All proceeds benefit the Zoo. A diverse selection of plant species are available, including vegetables, herbs and native perennials. All the plants are grown in Colorado, and most are grown right here at CMZoo. Not sure what you need? Our experienced horticulture staff can help you navigate the many types of available species. You're sure to find the perfect additions for your yard, patio or garden! Access the Plant Sale via the Zoo admissions area (look for signs). Sales are in-person only. No reservation or Zoo admission required. (Please note: NO shipping or delivery is available; sale is in-person only, no online sales.)
World Tree Kangaroo Day
All ages. Join us for exciting activities planned in Australia Walkabout to help raise awareness for tree kangaroo conservation. This event and all activities are included in the price of your daytime admission to CMZoo. Please note: advance tickets to the Zoo are required for members and the general public, and some days may sell out.
Public and Media Invited to Reopening of Historic CMZoo Carousel
All ages. Join us in celebrating the return of the carousel and the milestone in the Zoo’s progress towards major Zoo improvements! Brief comments from CMZoo President & CEO, Bob Chastain. Free carousel rides 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on June 13, 2024 (advance Zoo admission required).
Red Ape Rally Day
All ages. Join us for Red Ape Rally Day! If you are visiting Cheyenne Mountain Zoo on Wednesday July 24th, stop by Primate World from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. to celebrate orangutan conservation. Download the PalmoilScan app today and learn more at Activities for the whole family will create Zoo memories while raising awareness for orangutan conservation and sustainable palm oil including: Build your own orangutan nest out of different materials, stop by our photo booth, petition-signing table and coloring stations, play a palm oil grocery game where you will learn about shopping for products containing sustainable palm oil, watch special orangutan enrichment and a keeper talk at 1:30 p.m. Advance tickets are required and available here.
Hands-On Homeschool: Animals, Animals Everywhere
Ages: 1st - 8th Grades offering Elementary and Middle School programs. We’re surrounded by animals both at home and in the wild! Whether its animals in your house or at the zoo, we’ll explore and compare our furry friends with their wild counterparts through their behaviors, diets, and more! Registration is required.