Meet Mike and Sully: CMZoo’s New Gila Monsters
Scutes Family Gallery will soon welcome two new residents: Mike and Sully. As venomous lizards, the two male Gila monsters require special handling. In this video, learn how to identify Mike from Sully, their interesting adaptations, and how you can help protect this near-endangered species.
Meet Alexander and Penelope, CMZoo’s Common Warthogs
As we prepare for the opening of Water’s Edge: Africa later this summer, we’re excited to introduce the future exhibit’s newest residents, Penelope and Alexander, eight-month-old common warthogs. Have you ever seen a warthog do “zoomies”? Click below to learn about these two rambunctious siblings who will live alongside our hippos, and perhaps even venture . . .
Meet Tommy & Tori, CMZoo’s American Alligators
Animal Encounter Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is home to two male American alligators, Tommy and Tori, who live in Australia Walkabout. Both boys came to CMZoo as hatchlings, beginning with Tori nearly a decade ago. It may come as a surprise to some who are unfamiliar with their species, but alligators are intelligent. In a new . . .