Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Surpasses $5 Million Raised for Conservation through its Quarters for Conservation Program
COMMUNITY EVENT – 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday, March 3, 2024. Guests and members who visit the Zoo on Sun., March 3 can visit five conservation education booths with a Conservation Explorer Card to learn all about the Zoo’s conservation partners. Guests who visit all five booths earn a free feeding with a . . .
International Center for the Care and Conservation of Giraffe Hosts First Workshop Abroad
In early November, the International Center for the Care and Conservation of Giraffe (The Giraffe Center) traveled to Bristol Zoo, in the United Kingdom, to host their first giraffe care workshop abroad. Cheyenne Mountain Zoo established The Giraffe Center in 2022 to serve as a resource for giraffe caregivers worldwide. “We have hosted giraffe care . . .
Black-Footed Ferrets Released into Wild, Reinspiring Longtime CMZoo Conservation Staff
It was a big year to celebrate for black-footed ferret (BFF) conservation enthusiasts. Including Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s kits, 417 BFF kits were born into the program. That’s the most kits born in a single year program-wide in a decade! Led by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums Black-Footed Ferret SAFE (Saving Animals From Extinction) and . . .
CMZoo Members Fund Migratory Bird Conservation Towers in Colorado Springs
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s members are taking the joys of birdwatching to another level – and the biggest benefactors are the birdies. In March 2023, as part of the annual CMZoo Member Conservation Vote, members chose to fund the purchase and installation of three cutting-edge technology bird-tracking towers that will support a growing global network of . . .
Kenyan Conservation Partner, Ewaso Lions, Visits CMZoo to Inspire Staff and Get Hands-On with Big Cats
Ewaso Lions is a longtime member-supported conservation organization in Kenya dedicated to conserving lions and other large carnivores by promoting coexistence between people and wildlife. They provide local communities with conservation advocates, transportation, veterinary equipment and vaccinations for pet dogs, among other things. Since 2017, CMZoo members have sent more than $80,000 to support their . . .
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Helps Expand Wildlife-Saving Mobile Shopping App to 3rd Continent
PALMOIL SCAN APPTM NOW AVAILABLE FOR CONSCIENTIOUS CONSUMERS IN AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND – Auckland Zoo and Zoos South Australia are the latest zoos joining Cheyenne Mountain Zoo (CMZoo) on a worldwide effort, led by the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA), to empower consumers to advocate for wildlife with their shopping choices. Smart . . .
CMZoo Travels to Rio Grande Basin to Visit Zoo-Supported Water Conservation Site
As a conservation organization in Colorado, water savings are high on the list of local preservation focuses for Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. Five CMZoo staff members and a CMZoo board member recently returned from a two-day trip to Del Norte in the Rio Grande Basin of Southern Colorado. There, they got to witness how water truly . . .
Red River Hogs, Zena and Gus, Make Moves to Support Species Survival Plan
In the coming weeks, 9-year-old female Red River hog, Zena, will head northeast to Rosamond Gifford Zoo in Syracuse, New York. Her relocation supports the Red River Hog Species Survival Plan (SSP), with Zena moving as a companion animal. To prepare her for the move, her care team has been refreshing her voluntary crate training, . . .
Ring-Tailed Lemurs Make Moves to Support Species Survival Plan
Ring-tailed lemur half-brothers, Elo and Maky, are preparing for a big adventure! They’ll soon join a bachelor group of nine ring-tailed lemurs at Brevard Zoo – an accredited member of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) in Melbourne, Florida. Ring-tailed lemurs are endangered, and wild populations are decreasing, according to the International Union for . . .
Join The Flock for International African Penguin Awareness Day
Celebrate our ‘flockstars’ on International African Penguin Awareness Day (IAPAD), on Sat., Oct. 14 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Zoo! Penguin enthusiasts will gather in Water’s Edge: Africa for crafts, games, and other activities available throughout the day – including keeper demonstrations during penguin feeding times, at 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. . . .