Abuto, our 9-year-old African lion patriarch, is participating in impressive training that supports his ongoing health care, thanks to the creativity and dedication of his animal care team.

We have been keeping you informed as Abuto’s kidney disease and high blood pressure progress, and these two new behaviors – a ‘drink’ cue and subcutaneous fluid administration – help prepare Abuto and his team for if-and-when he starts to decline.

You normally see Abuto hanging out on pride rock, overlooking Colorado Springs with his pride, but today, you’ll join him behind the scenes for two short training sessions that took place between his time outside and in the comfy Relaxation Room in African Rift Valley.

[This video shows up-close subcutaneous fluid administration, so if you don’t like needles, you’ll want to skip over the poke about 1:15 into the video.]

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Our mountain lions are – like many of us – adjusting to a new normal. Seven-month-old Koda is now living full-time with 1-year-old mountain lion siblings, Adira and Sitka!

Because Koda was so much smaller than Adira and Sitka, and because he was found alone at such a young age, introducing the three cougars was a delicate process. Koda was excited to be with Adira and Sitka, but because he didn’t have a mother or siblings around to teach him how to be a mountain lion, he didn’t quite know the etiquette.

Learn from Courtney, Rocky Mountain Wild lead keeper, about the adjustments keepers made for the three mountain lions, and how Koda learned from Adira and Sitka throughout the process.

Our partner, Children’s Hospital Colorado, recognizes that we all continue to adjust our lives to find a balance these days. After you learn about how Koda, Adira and Sitka adjusted to their new normal, check out this parenting resource from CHCO, with tips on how your family can continue to adjust to its new normal.

Next time you’re at the Zoo, come by Rocky Mountain Wild to see our three young mountain lions as they grow together as a family unit.

Join Al and Phil, Water’s Edge: Africa keepers, for an update on Biko, Kasai and Zambezi, our three Nile hippos. Biko, our 18-year-old male, joined us in June, and has been developing a strong relationship with Zambezi. Biko is here on a breeding recommendation with Zambezi and Kasai, who are sisters. Learn more from their keepers about how these three are doing, and whether a baby hippo might be in our future!

Since Zena, our 6-year-old female Red River hog, joined us in 2019, African Rift Valley keepers have been working to introduce her and Huey, our 13-year-old male. The two hogs are getting along great, and keepers have even seen promising behaviors to support their breeding recommendation. Join Brooke, African Rift Valley keeper, for an update on these two.

Tune in for an update on BB! Keepers estimate that this growing girl now weighs about 160 pounds, up more than 40 pounds since her birth on September 28. She has also started eating solid foods, like elm browse. Because she is interested in solid foods, her keepers can tell that her rumen – the first chamber of a giraffe’s four-chambered stomach – is developing well.

BB is becoming more curious about her keepers, which is really fun for them. It’s also helpful in building a trusting relationship with BB that will support future training efforts. On warm days, she is outside with the herd, enjoying the sun and zooming around the yard. See BB daily on our giraffe cams and on the temporary indoor cam, available while buildings are closed due to COVID-19 restrictions, at cmzoo.org/giraffecam.

Check in with our three Hoffmann’s two-toed sloths, Bean, Chalupa and Bosco, as they settle into their new homes at CMZoo. Bean, who was born at CMZoo in 2019, is gaining independence just as Bean would in the wild at this age. Bean recently moved into The Loft, where keepers created a ropes course for the young sloth to explore, right above guest areas.

Chalupa and Bosco, both longtime CMZoo residents, moved together into the atrium in Scutes Family Gallery. Check out their lush-and-sunny new location and hear how their keeper team is preparing them for encounters, once we can offer them again.

Because El Paso County, where CMZoo is located, is moving to “Safer at Home – Severe Risk” or “Level Red” COVID-19 restrictions, indoor buildings at CMZoo will be closed to the public starting Saturday, Nov. 28. We’ll keep the sloths company while guests can’t visit, and will continue bringing updates from indoor exhibits. We know guests will be missing them during this time, so we’ll work hard to keep you connected.

Our baby Siamang has a name, thanks to you! We received more than 4,300 votes to name this precious little girl and the resounding favorite is Rahsia (RAH’-see-uh). Over the last month, #CMZoo partnered with Children’s Hospital Colorado to invite fans from all over the world to cast their votes to help name this adorable little girl. The name Rahsia is Malay for “secret,” and keepers say it suits their surprise bundle of joy perfectly.

Keepers want to send a great, big THANK YOU to everyone who donated items from the baby registry. The Siamangs have been thoroughly enjoying the blankets, saucer swings and yummy treats you sent.

Thanks for voting to help us name Eve and Wayan’s baby! To learn more about how Rahsia, Wayan and Eve are doing since their surprise baby was born on Labor Day, read our latest Waterhole article about the family.

Our little giraffe calf is one month old today! Two of her keepers, Amy and Tori, are here with the update we know you’ve all been waiting for. It’s time to name the baby! This calf has the honor of being named by the care team that has helped her grow over the past month.

As you may know, 8-year-old reticulated giraffe, Bailey, gave birth on Sept. 28, 2020, to a healthy female giraffe calf, who we named BB on her one-month birthday! Join African Rift Valley Senior Lead Keeper, Amy, for a recap of the littlest herd member’s first month of progress.

You can watch BB, Bailey and the rest of the 17-member giraffe herd on our two outdoor yard cameras, live daily from 8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. MT, on the Zoo’s YouTube channel at or on the giraffe cam page on our website at http://cmzoo.org/giraffecam.


Join Digger and Emmett, CMZoo’s two 15-year-old male grizzly bears, and Rocky Mountain Wild Keepers, Sarah and Kristen, to get up close with the bears and learn about hibernation and torpor. Cooler temperatures mean the boys are preparing for winter, when they go into a slight stage of torpor and generally slow down a bit.

Their keepers say the seasonal change doesn’t impact Digger and Emmett as much as it affects their wild relatives, because our boys have year-round access to food sources.