Ring-Tailed Lemur Youngsters Participate in Training
Our ring-tailed lemur twins, Elo and Anja, celebrated their first birthday on July 11, and their older half-brother, Maky, turned one on April 26. Step onto Lemur Island with us to see how the young prosimians’ personalities have developed in the lemur conspiracy (what a group of lemurs is called) and get up-close for a . . .
Get to Know the New Faces in The Loft, My Big Backyard and The Treehouse!
See a few of the new faces at The Loft, The Treehouse and My Big Backyard! From Bubba, our giant African bullfrog, to Nigel, our lesser Madagascar tenrec, Raider the African grey parrot and Ms. Frizzle, our curlyhair tarantula, there are lots of new animal ambassadors to visit on your next trip to CMZoo! Back . . .
Meet Cyclone, The Loft’s New Domestic Ferret
The Loft is now home to three domestic ferrets! Nine-month-old female domestic ferret, Cyclone, has joined Alfred Pennyworth and Harley Quinn at CMZoo. Watch as Cyclone enjoys one of her favorite enrichment activities: a ball pit! Cyclone has lighter fur than Harley. Her markings are similar to Alfred’s, except her nose is black, as his . . .
What’s New With the Youngsters? Giraffe Keepers Tell All About Ohe, Viv, BB and Panya – CMZoo’s Four Giraffe Under Four Years Old
Learn all about Ohe, Viv, BB and Panya, our four giraffe under four years old! Their primary trainers detail their personalities, roles in the herd, training progress, and relationships as the herd’s youngsters. You’ll also get to see behind-the-scenes training footage of each giraffe and its trainer, as well as a mini-zoomie session in the . . .
Meet Hootenanny the Screech Owl
CMZoo’s EdVenture department recently welcomed Hootenanny, a 6-year-old female screech owl, to the team. Get to know “Hoot” and learn about her species, which is found in Colorado’s wild places. She may be small, but she is a skilled hunter and a fast study. Learn about her incredible adaptations and watch her flight training with . . .
Meet Diego the Newest Resident at The Loft
Degu (pronounced ‘DAY-goo’)? What in the world is a degu? Most people have never heard of these pint-sized rodents that are native to the grassy slopes of the Andes Mountains, in South America. Chinchillas and guinea pigs are close relatives of the degu. Now, along with chinchillas and guinea pigs, a degu has joined our . . .
Six Months of Moose Magic with Atka
He’s quadrupled in size, started training and is growing his first set of antlers – Our 8-month-old Alaska moose, Atka, has been with us for half a year – and what a busy six months it has been! We’re looking back at his progress and filling you in on what’s next for this quickly growing . . .
Checking in with CMZoo’s three pink-backed pelicans
Three pink-backed pelicans, Pluto, Penelope and Pandora, joined Water’s Edge: Africa at the beginning of October, and they’re settling in well sharing space with our flock of African penguins and guests! Water’s Edge Keeper, Grace, tells us about the pelicans as we get up close with these big-beaked birds and say hello to the penguins. . . .
Atka’s Next Adventure: in Partnership with Children’s Hospital Colorado
As kids head back to school with so many changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our partner, Children’s Hospital Colorado, has provided a guide to helping prepare children and their parents for what’s to come with this blog. Likewise, one of Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s youngest residents is preparing for big changes ahead. Atka, a 3-month-old . . .
What’s Next for Koda
Koda, our nearly 4-month-old mountain lion kitten who came to Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in June after being found alone on a logging road in Washington, will soon start introductions with one-year-old mountain lions Adira and Sitka. For now, Koda is still too small to safely explore the outdoor mountain lion spaces, so he has access . . .